NTFS to FAT32 Wizard Online Help

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How to Convert NTFS to FAT32

1. Run NTFS to FAT32 Wizard program.

2. Then, enter into the "NTFS Partition List" page. Please select a partition that you want to convert and click Next.

Convert NTFS to FAT32

Convert NTFS to FAT32

3. Select a NTFS partition that you want to convert and click Next.

Convert NTFS to FAT32 - Select Partition

Convert NTFS to FAT32 - Select Partition

4. Confirm the partition will be converted to FAT32 by clicking "Convert".

Convert NTFS to FAT32 - Confirm Selection

Convert NTFS to FAT32 - Confirm Selection

Operation will be performed, please wait for a moment, it will return the operating results after the program finished.

How to Convert FAT32 to NTFS

1. Run NTFS to FAT32 Wizard program.

2. Then, enter into the "FAT32 Partition List" page. Please select a partition that you want to convert and click Next.

Convert FAT32 to NTFS

Convert FAT32 to NTFS

3. Select a FAT/FAT32 partition that you want to convert and click Next.

Convert FAT32 to NTFS - Select Partition

Convert FAT32 to NTFS - Select Partition

4. Confirm the partition will be converted to NTFS by clicking "Convert".

Convert FAT32 to NTFS - Confirm

Convert FAT32 to NTFS - Confirm

Operation will be performed, please wait for a moment, it will return the operating results after the program finished.